Eric Brightwell

AprilisNational Landscape Architecture Month. This got me thinking about an idea for a piece but, as often happens, I found myself tumbling down a rabbit hole of research tangents and decided I’d start with a post about architecture of the non-landscape variety. Apparently there is no “National Architecture Month” and Los Angles proclaimed October “Architecture Month” but, well, whatever.

I’m sure that lots of kids played with blocks, in sandboxes, had Erector sets, &c but I don’t recall every hearing anyone speak of architects with the same reverence they did pop stars, actors, and professional athletes. My siblings and I enjoyed construction toys like CapselaLincoln Logs, Legos, and I had some sort of castle building brick set too. I also used to also draw blue prints for imaginary dream homes.  I dug a moat for Castle Greyskull near the gully because it seemed like a better…

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